U ovoj dvanaestominutnoj klaunsko- plesnoj skici berlinska umjetnica Franziska Pack pomišlja i istražuje ideju samooslobođenja od vlastitog identiteta kao žene/ muškarca/ djeteta. Možemo li se osloboditi ne samo od društvenih etiketa i rodnih stereotipa, već, dublje, osobnije, možemo li se zaista osloboditi od onoga što jesmo, od nas samih… da li je konačna emancipacija uopće moguća na ovom svijetu ili ćemo je susresti tek u vječnosti.
Suputnici, s kojima Pack kroči kroz ovu predstavu su pjesništvo Friederike Mayröcker, skladbe iz Schubertova ciklusa Winterreise, te pjesma od koje je posuđen i naslov “She was a boy” od Yael Naim.
Director: Kirsten Burger
Performance: Franziska Pack
Photo credit: Zé de Paiva
Duration: 12 min
The text fragments by and the song taken from Franz Schubert’s Winterreise “Am Brunnen vor dem Tore” as well as Yael Naim’s song “She was a boy” are the fragments from which the protagonist draws in search of herself and traces her story. It is a journey between the genders, the inner child is still free of categorization, plays, sings, and even if the clown has a male connotation in our society, this role gives space to break out of stereotype drawers. “One day you’ll be free” – “You’ll never be free”! The song of the lime tree and Mayröcker’s words are like a veil over all attempts at liberation, a veil of farewell and transience, of the end of this journey. “Here you find your peace” contains both options, emancipation and death.