Zagreb Clown Festival: ECHO

Ponekad nije nužno raskinuti okove da bi se postalo slobodan. Nekad "tek" treba naučiti živjeti s njima.

Presretni smo što nam na festivalsku pozornicu u goste dolaze andaluzijski Ymedioteatro sa svojom novom predstavom  ECHO, u izvedbi Alexa Ramosa & Santosa Sáncheza.

Evo o čemu je ECHO:

Being free, many times, is not about breaking the bonds but about living together with them.

While trying to do so, life repeats in an echo that resonates in the walls of heads and hearts.

EchO is the recurring nightmare of two comedians trapped on stage. EchO brings together the performers’ knowledge of object theatre with clown, movement and mime, developing a very visual show, in a universal language, about human relationships, their tenderness and tightness.



Zagreb Clown Festival

Zagreb Clown Festival donosi smijeh, emociju i vrhunsku klaunsku umjetnost – doživite cirkus kao nikada prije!