Među pedesetak prijavljenih predstava bilo je vrlo izazovno izabrati one koje ćemo predstaviti zagrebačkoj publici, ali baš stoga ove godine donosimo vam crème de la crème europske kazališno- klaunske scene.
I zato ostanite s nama- program stiže ubrzo.
ZAGREB CLOWN FESTIVAL is an international festival of contemporary clown theatre production. Clown is not a mere childish entertainer, it is a person that celebrates vulnerability as strength, awareness as vocation, playfulness as means of growth. This theatre style is based in body, physical comedy and direct communication with audience.
The theme of this year’s festival edition is relationships: special relationships, relationships between partners, inner relationships between many I that hide within us, and the whole spectrum of direct and indirect relationships, relationships transmitted by screen or something else… This is our tribute to the most important relationships in clown theatre: between clown and his audience!
Triko Cirkus Teatar is a professional independent theatre that produces shows for children and grownups using the style of theatre clown. In the past ten years we have produced and initiated many shows and programmes, including festivals, workshops and gatherings of different artists. Our goal is to promote contemporary circus and clowning among professional performers and in our society in general.
Through Zagreb Clown Festival we want to make Zagreb one more stop on the map of professional theatre clown destinations!